Mike Chesterről adott interjút
Készült egy interjú a Linkin Park alapítójával, Mike Shinodával.
A zenész a riport során főként Chesterről beszélt.
Emlékszik a késői énekes szerény magatartására - annak ellenére, hogy az egyik legismertebb zenei előadó volt.
"Shinoda says: “I spent more time with Chester than anyone else in my adult life, except for my wife. We were always around each other. People would say we were like brothers, but we were different because brothers are bound by blood.
“Technically we were dudes in a band who could break up and walk away from each other if we wanted to. I think it’s more exceptional that we never did that."
"Shinoda says that Bennington “deeply loved his wife and all his kids” and adds: “I’m not a perfect parent, nobody is, but Chester had the very best intentions. He had such a huge heart and he loved his family more than anything."
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